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    How to unblock Virgilio Mail

    How to unblock blocked Virgilio Mail account

    How to unblock Virgilio Mail

    If access to your Virgilio Mail account is blocked, it may be that you have entered your e-mail address or password incorrectly. Then double-check the login data you entered in the Virgilio Mail login form and try to log in again.

    If your account is still inaccessible, it is likely that you have lost your password or, in the worst case scenario, it may be that some attacker has managed to get into your account and changed your login details to prevent you from accessing it.

    If that's the case, all you can do to try to unlock your account is to start Virgilio's password recovery procedure. To use it, go to the Virgilio Mail login page (if you have not already done so), type your email address in the text field insert your email and click on the pulsating lock NEXT.

    At this point, you will be asked to provide your account login password. Since you don't remember it, click on the link Forgot password? to access the account recovery page. On the page Password recovery that opens, write the email address you want to unblock (eg. in the text field insert your email and then check the box I'm not a robot located at the bottom left, so as to carry out the safety check necessary to move on to the next step.

    Then click on the orange button Continue located at the bottom right, select one of the recovery methods among those available (eg.alternative email address that you indicated when registering with Virgilio Mail or yours cellphone number) and click on the orange button Continue.

    At this point, all you have to do is follow the instructions that will be provided to you on the screen. If, for example, you had previously set up an e-mail address for password recovery and you opted for this option, you will receive an email to the address in question containing a link: click on it and, on the page that opens, fill in the text fields New password e Confirm new password with the new access key you intend to associate with your account.

    To conclude, then, click on the orange button Continue at the bottom right and, if everything went well, you should see a message "Dear [your address] @, your password has been successfully changed". Did you see that it wasn't that complicated to recover your Virgilio email account?

    How to unblock blocked sender Virgilio Mail

    How to unblock Virgilio Mail

    Sei turned his questa guida with l'obiettivo di scoprire how to unblock a sender blocked on Virgilio Mail? To do this, just follow the procedure contrary to the one I indicated in the article on how to block a sender on Virgil.

    To go into more detail, all you have to do is log into your account, go to the section dedicated to blocked senders and delete the one you want to unblock from the list. To begin with, then, connect to the Virgilio Mail login page and log in to your account: write your e-mail address in the text field insert your email, click the orange button NEXT, type your account password in the text field Enter your password and then click on the orange button Log in.

    Once logged in, click on the button Settings (the icon ofgear located in the upper right corner of the page) and select the item Settings from the menu that opens. Then click on the entry Mail located on the sidebar on the left and then click on the item Blocked senders give the menu check if you press.

    Now, to unblock a sender you previously blocked, all you have to do is click on the icon dustbin mail to the email address of your interest and that's it. From this moment on, the reception of messages sent to you by the user you just unblocked will be reactivated.

    At the time of writing, the procedure in question can only be performed by the Web version of Virgilio Mail and not by its official app for Android and iOS.

    What to do in case of problems or doubts

    How to unblock Virgilio Mail

    If you've read this far in the guide, you obviously still have gods doubts or do you have gods problems regarding the unblocking of Virgilio Mail. If that is the case, I highly recommend you visit the service center of the service, in such a way as to be able to identify information that can help you to deal with the situation.

    After going to the main page of the Virgilio Mail help center, write in the search bar located at the top one or more keywords that describe your problem (eg "account blocked“) And click on one of the suggestions in the menu that opens, so as to go to an article made by Virgilio's team.

    Alternatively, you can find the information you are looking for using the links in the sections Product Information, Solutions, Highlights e The most read articles. I am sure that the information you will be able to find will be useful for solving the problems you have encountered.

    How to unblock Virgilio Mail

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