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    How to block call center calls

    Block calls from call centers on the landline

    How to block call center calls

    You are interested in understanding how to block calls from call centers on yours fixed number? Well, then follow the instructions on what to do that you find below. I assure you that it is much simpler than you can imagine, as well as absolutely "painless".

    Register in the Public Register of Oppositions

    How to block call center calls

    As anticipated at the beginning of the article, to be able to block calls from call centers on the landline you just need to register with Public Register of Oppositions, which allows you to protect your privacy and request the blocking of telephone calls by telemarketing operators, in fact.

    Once you have registered, unless you have explicitly given your consent to receive advertising calls in some subscription contract for TV, online services, etc., you will no longer receive calls from call centers.

    You can register in the Public Register of Oppositions in various ways, depending on your preferences and the means in your possession: via Web, by telephone, by registered letter with return receipt, by fax or by email. Let's see in more detail how to proceed depending on the case, you will find everything explained below.

    • Via the Web - connect to the home page of the service's website and click on the tab Subscriber area top left. Then press the button Web and then on the wording link at the item Dear Subscriber, to register your number in the Public Register of Oppositions via the web, you will need to fill in and send the electronic form present at the followingIn section Registration. Then fill out the form attached to the new page that opened by entering your personal data, copy the verification code displayed in the field Type the text shown:click your Send and take note of the identification code of your case.
    • By Telephone - grab the handset and make a call to the toll-free number +800 265 265 XNUMX. Then follow the indications of the recorded voice, taking care to provide, when requested, your personal data: name and surname, date and place of birth, social security number and an e-mail address (optional). Also in this case, once the registration is completed, you will be given an identification code for your practice that I invite you to write down.
    • By registered letter with return receipt - download the appropriate form on your computer and then print it, fill it out in its entirety providing the information and data you are asked for and send it by registered mail to the following address Manager of the Public Register of Oppositions - Subscribers - Rome Nomentano Office - P.O. Box 7211 - 00162 Rome (RM). Remember to also attach a copy of yours to the form identification document valid.
    • By email - download the registration form by registered mail, print it and fill it out in its entirety. Then scan it on your computer, save it in PDF format and send it as an ally to the email address abbonati.rpo@fub.comAlways remember to also attach a copy of yours to the form identification document valid.

    Timing and other useful info

    How to block call center calls

    Registration in the Public Register of oppositions should take place within a maximum period of time equal to 15 days. If after this period you continue to receive calls from call centers, I recommend that you try to check the status of the case using the code that was provided to you after registration.

    If the check shows that it is not registered, it is evidently because you have unknowingly given your consent to receive advertising calls by subscribing to an online service or a telephone service. In such circumstances, you can ask the call center operators who call you for promotional purposes to tell you the list from which they extracted your phone number and to delete your account from it.

    If, on the other hand, you are registered in the Public Register of Oppositions but nevertheless continue to receive calls from the call centers, you can use the form for the notification of receipt of advertising calls on reserved users and that relating to reporting of advertising calls to a user registered in the Public Register of Oppositions to cope with it.

    Then download both forms on your computer, print them, fill them in with the requested information and data and send them to the address Guarantor for the protection of personal data - Piazza di Monte Citorio, 121 - 00186 Rome (RM) via recommend A / R.

    Block calls from call centers on the mobile line

    How to block call center calls

    And what about the mobile side? How to block calls from call centers? In this case, the Public Register of Oppositions cannot do anything as it is valid only for the fixed line. To succeed in your intent you will therefore have to make use of some special applications. Which? Well, keep reading and you'll find out right away.


    How to block call center calls

    Among the useful apps for blocking calls from call centers that I invite you to try, it is certainly worth mentioning TrueCaller. This is a resource available for Android and iOS which, based on a database of known “nuisances”, extrapolates information on the calls received and allows you to identify the caller and possibly even block them. The service is free but to use it you must register and accept that your mobile number becomes traceable in the public database of the same.

    To use it, first of all download the application on your device through the links I have provided you with, then start it and follow the wizard for creating the account that is proposed to you by entering your mobile number. Then wait for the verification of the numbering to be carried out and fill in the form that you see appear with your personal data.

    Now you need to enable the identification of known annoyances and the automatic blocking of calls from part of the latter. Up Android you can do this by accessing the tab Block of the app, by pressing the button Activate the lockby pressing on Lock settings and indicating to automatically block calls from major annoyances (and, if you are interested, even those from private numbers).

    Su iOSinstead, you have to tap on the icon of settings (the one in the shape of a gear) present on the home screen, you must then press on Telephone, its Call blocking and identification and carry on ON the switch in correspondence with the wording Truecaller. Then start the application, select the tab Unwanted IDs, stop on Enable and OK twice in a row. And voila!

    Once you have completed the app configuration procedure, when you receive a call from a nuisance on the iPhone display you will be notified by who it comes from and you can therefore choose whether to answer or not.

    If, on the other hand, you also want to activate the function to block calls, you must group the Truecaller blacklist into a single contact and add the latter to the internal iOS “blacklist”. To do this, go to the tab Other by Truecaller, press on Settings, Then Major annoyances e carries his ON l'interruttore Save as contact. Then access the Settings iOS, tap on Telephone, its Call blocking and identificationpiggy back his Block contact and choose the contact BORER.

    Should I Answer

    How to block call center calls

    As an alternative to TrueCaller you can appeal to Should I Answer, a useful app to block calls from call centers, totally free and which, unlike the one mentioned above, does not require any registration to be used. The same goes for the telephone number. It acts by blocking all calls that are made from numbers deemed unreliable based on feedback provided by the community. It is available for both Android and iOS (on the Apple mobile platform, call blocking is available by subscribing to the € 1,99 / month subscription).

    After installing and starting Should I Answer on your device, grant it the necessary permissions to work correctly, scroll through the information sheets that illustrate its operation, which are present on the home screen of the app.

    Now, if you are using the version of the device app Android, pig sul sul bottone Active protection, so as to preventively block spam calls (by opting for this solution Should I Answer it will ask you to be set as the default "Phone" app) or tap the button Passive protection, so you can see the spam warnings and decide whether to reply or not. At this point, based on your choice, choose the type of alerts you prefer to set or allow the app to access call information.

    If you use the version for iOS of Should I Answer, on the other hand, go to Settings> Phone> Call blocking and identification and move up ON the switch lever which is located in correspondence with the wording ShouldIAnswer.

    To activate call barring, instead, on Android, you have to tap the button (≡) present in the Should I Answer screen, press on the items Settings> Lock I will post your ON the switches placed in correspondence with the type of number you want to block (eg. reported by you as spamforeign number and so on).

    If you use the app version for iPhone, instead, presses on the symbol of wheel placed in the upper right corner of the screen and move up ON the switch located in correspondence with the wording Block negative calls present in the screen that opened.

    Other useful resources

    How to block call center calls

    Did the above solutions for both fixed and mobile lines not convince you in a particular way and are you looking for additional systems to be able to block calls from call centers? Well, I'll settle you right away.

    If you already know the numbers to block, you could for example take advantage of the special functions for the exclusion of calls by specific numbers (or even all) offered by both landlines and mobile phones as well as telephone operators. To find out more, refer to my tutorial dedicated to how to block incoming calls, through some I proceeded to talk to you about it in great detail.

    If, on the other hand, the aforementioned applications have not inspired you and you are looking for other apps used for the purpose, the best advice they can give you is certainly to rely on my guide dedicated to the apps to block calls, which although it does not explicitly refer to cell center can still be useful in such a situation.

    If you have received calls on your landline or mobile number but you have not been able to answer in good time and you fear that it is a call center, you can make sure of this by using the ad hoc tools that I indicated in my article. how to know who a phone number belongs to. Please, give it at least a look.

    How to block call center calls

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